Authority Sites


Authority Websites, Authority sites
Authority sites

Authority sites (or authority site status) is what you are interested in if you are in the hunt for top position on the search engines. In search engine optimization (SEO) terms, authority sites make your job 10 times easier than a website that has not already achieved this status.

Some websites are already authority sites, but since they have not undergone search engine optimization (SEO) they are not recognized by the search engines as such. Other websites either lack content or lack the links to be considered authority sites.

On most search engines, for the highly competitive, high traffic keywords, you will notice that generally the top 10 results are loaded with authority sites. There are some exceptions of course, but in general the search engines smile favorably upon the websites they define as authority sites and reward these sites with top rankings.

What makes an authority site?
Authority sites generally have more content and more pages than other sites. The search engines feed on content-rich websites and those with many pages and much content per page will do better when going head-to-head with a smaller site.

In addition, links from other authority sites to your site will help establish your site as an authority site as well. Search engines generally give more weight to the incoming links from authority sites as long as their main keyword is the same as your own.

How do you establish your site as an authority site?
First, add more pages to your site.
Second, add more content to those pages.
Third, find some authority link partners willing to link to your site. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

Before adding more pages to the website, most likely some research will have to be conducted. Get some ideas by checking out what the competition is doing and how they are doing it. You may come up with some good ideas as to why they are beating you in the search engine rankings and you may take corrective action.

Once you know what pages to add, you will either need to write some content, delegate this task to someone else, or hire a copywriter to do this for you. If you already know how to write content-rich, keyword-rich text, then you can take this task on with very little expense. If this is not your strength, then you may delegate this task or hire someone else to do it. There are even places online for article exchanges where you can pick up content by simply linking back to the author's site.

Once you have more pages with more content, you will need to solicit other authority sites to becoming link partners with you. This can be accomplished through email. Some will and some will not answer your requests and of those who answer some will and some will not link to you. The more content and better design of your website, however, the more likely others will want to link to you.

Once your site has more pages, more content and more high-ranking link partners, you will want to make sure your pages are optimized for the search engines properly.

After all of these steps have been taken, then it is time to submit your website to the major search engines and directories once again so that they may re-index the website and move your site higher up in the rankings.  


1 comments to "Authority Sites"

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